film / games / others

I produced the score for the award-winning puzzle-platformer / survival game Passing By - a tailwind journey, which was released in March 2024. The focus in my music are acoustic instruments which I recorded live, accompanied by synthesizers, an orchestra library, and creative audio production. The score is recombined dynamically using Audiokinetic Wwise and features distinct soundscapes for the five biomes you can travel through in Passing By.
As freelance music producer, I'm always open for new projects! After having completed my master-thesis in digital signal processing and computer science while being a devoted musician since childhood, I am ready for any kind of interactive music adventure!
I love to make music for films games ads theater podcasts meditations . I can produce in sync with a videoclip or a speaker program interactive music for games perform live (piano, clarinet, bass, drums, software)
I love to make music for films, games, ads, theater and podcasts. I can produce in sync with given material or interactive music. I also regularily play live for performances or exhibitions.

Passing By


The Great Craving

Besser Früh als Nie

Commander Kompass

Einmal ohne, bitte


on my own

own music

I can produce and and prefer recording acoustic instruments whenever possible.
Disclaimer: I am well aware, that music can not and should not actually be objectively compared like this, this is just for fun really :)

I produce my own music without settling on a style, influenced among others by jazz, electro, folk, soul, funk. I love recording acoustic instruments whenever possible.

about me

Michael Serbay

I went through a diverse music education, starting with regular instrument lessons since young age. On the piano, classical and jazz, I enjoyed education from university professors. Meanwhile I always strived to play in various ensembles - jazz combo, bigband, orchestra, brass ensemble, choir, other bands. Producing full tracks on the computer came into my life 2013 and became an integral part of my music-making.

Music and programming being my two big passions, interactive music has always fascinated me. Through my diverse set of skills ranging from live music and composition, to production and usage of frameworks (Unity, Wwise), to low-level audio signal processing (C/C++), I am ready for any kind of dynamic sounddesign journey!

Apart from music I studied computer science in Bayreuth, Berlin and Kiel and work as a Software Developer (currently Backend). I love couple-dancing (especially Balfolk), coding, coffee, cooking and also plenty of things not starting with "c".


Don't hesitate to contact me, I'm always open for new projects!