computer science

I studied master of science in computer science in Bayreuth, Berlin, and Kiel with focus on
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision


I already used many programming languages and frameworks, and am always eager to learn new things!
  • Golang
  • SQL/PostgreSQL
  • C/C++ (Digital signal processing, robotics, GUI development in Qt6)
  • Python (Machine learning, data manipulation, signal processing)
  • C# (Game and application development in Unity)
  • JavaScript/HTML/CSS (Webdesign, App-development)
  • Java (App-development)


I love building creative websites, combining unexpected functionality with clear graphic design choices and responsive layout. I also like the idea to handle cookie consent as unobtrusive as possible, as in this page, which manages the consent once the content requiring cookies is desired, and otherwise leaves you alone. In that way, it is also perfectly GDPR-compliant!